A journey into the Bible
Windward is designed to immerse you in God's Word in a way that breathes new life and perspective into your faith journey. During this 8-Day Biblical Study conference, you will be provided with an environment that allows for an in-depth examination of Scripture under the guidance of world-class Bible scholars.
Windward is designed for adults - especially those who seek to be equipped and empowered to grow, understand, and apply God's Word.
Embark on a journey of discovery through the Bible during Windward.
Dates - September 13-20, 2025
Dr. Douglas Moo is a professor of Biblical Studies (Emeritus) at Wheaton College.
He received his Masters of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1975, and his Ph.D. from University of St. Andrews in Scotland in 1980. He was a faculty member at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School for 24 years, and later at Wheaton College for 23 years.
Dr. Moo has written commentaries on Romans, Galatians, Colossians-Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, and Jude. He is author of “A Theology of Paul and his Letters”, co-written the book “Introduction to the New Testament,” with D.A. Carson, and co-author of "Creation Care", written with his son, Jonathan Moo. He also serves on the NIV Committee on Bible Translation. Dr. Moo’s personal motto, captured in a plaque mounted in his office: “Apply yourself wholly to the text; apply the text wholly to yourself.”
Explore our facilities
Windward will be held at Old Mill Point, along the pristine shores of Lake Huron

WILLOUGHBY LODGE ROOM or POINT CABIN - Private Guest Room - Queen bed with bunks. Nearby community bath / private showers.
- Single Occupancy* - $1,200/person
- Double Occupancy** - $825/person
CABIN GUEST ROOM - Private Guest Room w/bathroom - Queen bed with a bunk. shared kitchenette and leisure area.
- Single Occupancy* - $1,450/person
- Double Occupancy** - $1,000/person
FAMILY CABIN - Private Cabin w/bathroom - Queen bed with bunk, kitchen, leisure area with fireplace or wood stove.
- Single Occupancy* - $1,750/person
- Double Occupancy** - $1,200/person
OFFSITE LODGING - Includes only meals and program.
- $600/Person
Housing deposit - $100/person with registration
Are you a student? Contact registration about student rates! - [email protected]
*Single Occupancy - During the registration process, you will have the option in the "Shared Housing Option" section to indicate if you are willing to share your housing with a roommate of the same gender. If we can pair you up, we will adjust both registrants' pricing to reflect the Double Occupancy rate.
**Double Occupancy - Please indicate in the "Roommate Request" section the name of the person you share your room with.
8 a.m. - Breakfast
9 a.m. - Personal Time with God
10 a.m. - Main Session with Douglas Moo
11:30 a.m. - Seminar Tracks - Exploring Bible Study Methods
12:30 p.m. - Lunch
1:30 p.m. - Personal Study Time
2:30 p.m. - Free Time
4:00 p.m. - Elective Seminars - Exploring God's Character in Creation
5:30 p.m. - Supper
6:45 p.m. - Small Group Discussions
Sun and Fri - Silent Retreats for Reflection Opportunity
Main Sessions
Philippians: Cultivating a Gospel-Centered Mind
We will experience rich expositional teaching from Dr. Moo on Paul's Letter to the Philippians, followed by extensive track sessions exploring methods of exegetical Bible study.
"In our topsy-turvy world, Christians above all need to look at all reality from the perspective of the gospel. As Paul writes to good friends in Philippians, he encourages this kind of right thinking, fleshing out that thinking by citing models for us to imitate."
-Douglas Moo
Session Topics
- Day One: Thinking like Paul Thinks - Fellowship and the Gospel
- Day Two: Thinking like Jesus Thinks - Other regard
- Day Three: Scripture Shaped Thinking
- Day Four: Thinking like Paul Thinks - Eyes on the prize
- Day Five: Thinking like Paul Thinks - First things first; giving and receiving